Shock-Gard's Circular Economy

One-Way Pulp & Paper Securement Materials Linear Economy

  • Natural resources

  • Take

  • Make

  • Consume

  • Dump/waste

Railroads are More Fuel-Efficient

U.S. freight railroads, on average, move one ton of freight more than 480 miles per gallon of fuel. On average, railroads are three to four times more fuel-efficient than trucks, with a single train removing several hundred trucks from the nation’s congested highways.

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Reduced Highway Congestion

A single freight train can take several hundred trucks off the nation’s highways. Not only does this help motorists breathe easier, but it also helps reduce the enormous economic costs of highway congestion. Shifting freight from roads to rail also reduces highway wear and tear and the pressure to build costly new highways.

Less Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Moving freight by rail instead of truck lowers greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by up to 75%, on average. Greenhouse gas emissions are directly related to fuel consumption.